January 10, 2012

Dancing Guy

While driving down a super, busy street (Mack Hatcher here in Franklin), I passed a man who was out for his daily walk. But he wasn't just walking.

When he got ready to leave the house this morning, he chose his favorite yellow ball cap, white cut-off sleeved t-shirt, and jogging shorts. He put on his headphones, attached not to an iPod, but a bulky CD player, and threw in his happy music. I knew it was happy music because he wasn't just walking, this guy was dancing as he walked. He had arm gestures and everything. He twirled, gestured, back-stepped, and bounced, almost like he was two-steppin while moving forward. It was awesome. It was joyful. And it was uninhibited. I couldn't take my eyes of the guy in my rear-view mirror as I passed him.

I want to be like the dancing guy. I want to put on my happy music and dance while I walk. But somewhere down the line, I learned that people laugh at people like that. People point fingers and stare at people like that. But, sadly, it's been a long time since I've seen a guy who looked happier and more confident than the dancing guy. And he made me smile. People who just walk or jog down the street don't make me smile. But I smiled because I was proud that there is still someone left in this world that lives out of his heart, and isn't controlled by fear of what people might think about him. Because that is truly how I want to live, regardless of how few examples I might have.

Dance even though no one hears the music in your heart.


jodala said...

sounds like some people i see in minneapolis.. i had a dream the other nite that i was on roller skates, rolling around at work and everywhere...it was super fun!

Donna Schneider said...

Hi Mark,

Your posting reminded me of a statement you made in your book, Pilgrim, where you wrote, "We have millions of choices to make on this pilgrimage - to enjoy the ride and see the beauty of people and the world around us, or live in a prison of resentment and fear, wishing other people would give us the life we believe we deserve."

Do you think that it might be possible, based on the insight you gained from your experience with the “dancing guy”, that you are now choosing (consciously or unconsciously) to make your spiritual journey one that is filled with joy rather than fear? If so, how awesome is that! Praise be to God!

I also have a comment about the last sentence of your post. You state that you have few examples in your life of how you truly want to live but could it be that in actuality, there are lots of examples but that you have been too distracted by other things to notice? I tend to be overly optimistic about things but could it be possible that this epiphany you experienced with the help of the “dancing guy” perhaps is demonstrating that God, in His uniquely gentle and quiet way, is opening your eyes to the beauty of the people around you? Where in the past you may have seen the “dancing guy” as a lunatic or annoying, you are now able to see him, as you say, “joyful and awesome.” Imagine the possibilities that are now available to you because of this awareness! Wow!

Finally, I just want to say that I find your statement, “I want to be like the dancing guy” to be very courageous. There is a big difference between saying you want to do something and actually doing it and I hope that with the help of God, your family, friends, fans, etc., you will over time journey closer to the man you want to be and the life you truly want to live.

Best wishes,


Mark said...

Wow Donna! Thank you so much for this amazing writing from you!! Very insightful...perceptive...encouraging...inspiring! I appreciate you taking the time. And I believe you're right on the money with everything you said. Thanks for pointing this out to me!