May 26, 2012

It's Time For Freedom

I heard something amazing in prison this morning that I wanted to share with you. My buddy Steve told me about a friend of his (let's call him Jeff) who has been inside for 30 years—and he's only 47 years old. And while he's been up for parole a couple times before this latest time, each time prior one of his victim's family members was there to speak against his release. But something happened this past week. Something changed. Yes, the victim's sister was still there. But something changed in her. She said that she believed it was time for him to be released. That it was time for her to forgive and to move on. Jeff was sentenced to life in prison for something he did when he was 17. And now, 30 years later he's being recommended to be released from prison on parole. The sister had one condition: that Jeff check in with her once a month and let her know how he's doing. Whoa! This story of forgiveness and redemption cuts straight to the heart of the gospel message. God doesn't want any of us to live in unforgiveness...and most of us need it ourselves, and need to offer it to someone else! Forgiveness doesn't happen when we deserve it. It happens when we don't. I pray that you will, in honor of Jeff, take a moment and offer forgiveness to someone in your life...someone who probably doesn't appear to deserve it, but who desperately needs it. I'd love to hear your story. If you'd like to send me an email, I'd love that.

Thank you for watching and sharing the "Pilgrim Man" music video! We are approaching 1,000 views...that's 1,000 people who have heard the message of hope! Woo hoo!!! The song is also catching some traction on radio in places like Pequot Lakes MN, Lima OH (yes, it's a real town and not just on Glee!), San Angelo TX, Chehalis, WA and Saint Mary's, FL. Awesome!

June finds me heading to New Hampshire to share music for a women's retreat...and I'm also moving (just within Nashville). It's gonna be a busy month. But I couldn't be more thankful for how God keeps showing up in such creative, wonderful ways. I love Romans 8:15 in the Message translation that says: This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?"

I want to live this way, and I pray the same for you! Blessings from Nashville!

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