April 30, 2012

"Pilgrim Man" Music Video Premiere

For best results, hit PLAY and then pause it, letting the whole video load before starting to watch. You can also watch at different levels of quality, too, if you'd like.

So...what do you think? Please drop me a note in the comments section below, and please share this video with anyone you think could stand a giant dose of hope.

Many thanks to the amazing JR Davis for creating this video. Need video work done? Please contact him via his website or via email.

Additional thanks to Craig Purcell, Suki Neblett, Jesse Walker, and Debra McCowan! And Julie Branhan and Soul Choir (www.soulchoir.com) including, Judith Baker, Tina Caveness, Jennifer Dixon, Tara Oliver, Madonna Williams, Justine Yates. Additionally, Stan Stacey and David Perry. And the awesome Craig Nunn, who makes a brief cameo appearance in one of the shots! And the park ranger lady who tried to shut us down and only made us more passionate about the whole thing.

"Pilgrim Man" track produced by Christopher Davis (www.christopherdavismusic.com) and mixed by Timothy Brown. Music & lyrics by Mark Smeby. Band/Choir charts and soloist accompaniment tracks are available! Just send me an email. Radio servicing being handled by Wendell Gafford of Creative Promotions.


April 5, 2012

In Defense of Baseball

I’m a huge baseball fan. But don’t ask me to join your fantasy baseball league. Heck, don’t even bother asking me stats or which player transferred to which new team. Those are irrelevant details—because my love is truly for the game itself.

This is opening week, a return to the grand, grass-filled sanctuaries filled with hot dog eating fans, and constant coverage on ESPN and the MLB Network. Life feels more like it’s supposed to feel when baseball is in season.

Still, whenever I express my love for the game, I’m prepared to hear people say things like, “Man, baseball is so boring,” or…nope, that’s it—that what everyone who isn’t a baseball fan says.

But Opening Day signifies a kind of new life, a fresh start, a rebirth of the old teams, a blank slate of possibility. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve said about my favorite team at the end of the season, “Maybe next year.” Well, next year is here. And there’s always a chance that something new and exciting will happen. Last year’s slump will become this year’s triumph. Last year’s basement dweller may just become a wild-card contender.

But baseball to me is more than just who wins and loses.

April 2, 2012

Easter Radio Special - Worship Music

"Just when it looks like the story is over, and the hero is done, the plotline takes a beautiful, redemptive twist. What we think is the end, is actually the most important part of story."

Since this is Holy Week, I thought you might enjoy listening to some great worship tunes, specifically around the theme of Easter. I'm grateful to have worked briefly with Don Bittner on his syndicated radio show, "The Heart of Worship." This particular week, he had laryngitis and asked me to fill in. What an honor!  So he sent me the script and I recorded it here in my house, and then voilĂ ! A two hour radio show! I hope you enjoy listening - there are some great songs in here. Don is now working on a great new radio show called "Keep The Faith" - you can check that out by clicking here!

Segment 1 - (17:46) [powerpress url="http://www.marksmeby.com/easter/Segment%201%20Hour%201.mp3"]