August 13, 2011

Exciting Fall Shaping Up

Hey Everybody! This fall is shaping up to be pretty exciting. I'm planning on getting out on the road for a few larger stretches of tours - I'm excited about that and will let you know more as I know it. I'll be visiting radio stations along the way, saying thank you for playing my music, and begging them to keep doing it. And hopefully visiting schools and churches and sharing HOPE along the road. (Well, not on the side of the know what I mean!) PLUS: I'm actually working on some new music...I know, all my music is NEW to most people. But, I have a few Christmas concerts booked (with a few more on the way!) and so I thought it'd be nice to do a Christmas CD. I'm thrilled to be able to share this new stuff (and traditional tunes!) with you over the coming months. I have some new HOPE t-shirts ready to make their debut...and possibly a book that I'll be getting printed off and ready to hand over to you and all your friends. Thanks especially to: WECC, KCFB/KTIG, WHCB, KCRN, WTGN, KPOF, Pilgrim Radio Network, WAFT, WBGW, WCSE, WDYD, WFST, WGMA, WJFY, WLIH, WMVV and WXML for playing "Here's Your Life!"


Tom reinhart said...

Please do a Chistmas CD

admin said...

Consider it (being) done! :) Thanks Tom! MARK