July 30, 2011

Throwing A Party

"Why must my life be so hard?" I ask myself because I can't find a spare stamp and still don't have a record deal. High class problems, that really aren't problems. Silly, right? Still, things are pretty quiet around here. Inquiry emails sent out rarely get responses. Phone calls are useless. How in the world am I supposed to have an amazing life if people aren't willing to do their part to help me out? Sometimes, I'm just baffled by the amount of potential I seem to be drowning in.

A few years ago, in conversation with a friend, we decided that we could waste our lives waiting to be invited to all the cool parties. Meaning, sometimes it seems like the "people that have" (in the music industry, but really anywhere!) keep getting, and the "people that don't have" don't get anything. I'm talking about opportunities here, pardon the difficult analogy. But me and my friend decided that if we were tired of waiting to be invited to other people's parties, the best answer would be to throw our own.


I'm throwing a party.

What it looks like is me investing in the lives of people around me. It looks like me taking time to care for myself: through physical exercise, rest, entertainment, good food & discipline. It looks like creative risk-taking. Loving, laughing, listening. Calling people out of the blue to see how they're doing. Finding and listening to music that I love. Reading great books. Drinking coffee frequently. And more that I can't even put words on. But what it ultimately comes down to, is living for today...not waiting or hoping for what I'd like to see happen. There's incredible beauty and joy being offered to me today. Sometimes I just have to take my eyes off of my own navel to see it.

The sky is really blue today. The air is crisp. I am loved well by many people in my life. I have great hope and optimism for the future (Jer. 29:11), but even better...today rocks. I am a very rich man and I'm throwing a party.

And you're invited.


Amy Dias said...

Thank you so much for the inspiration of your complete honesty. I enjoyed the humor as you captured my exact feelings. The waiting is the hardest part for those of us trying to do for the Lord. I plan to take your advice to heart. The waiting is still difficult but at least I can capture a few smiles along the way. God Bless Your Journey.

Lori Pirollo said...

I have been watching the stranger series, and saw a clip from The Perfect Gift, and I was so captivated by the song "Emmanual" so I looked you up, Wow, you are really a blessing. Keep it up. Any chance you will be in the Phila area any time soon. I have been throwing around some ideas of how we could get you in the area. You are so talented. Keep it up.
God Bless you,