I'd love to hear from you. And I'd love for you to hear from each other. This is going to be an area where you can write what has been inspiring you lately. Is a certain song you've heard, a movie you've seen, a book you've read, or something you've seen on the Internet? Let me know by writing in the comment box below!
How are you working to bring hope to the world around you? How do you see other people doing it?
What is hope? How do you define it? How do you know you have it?
My desire, as I'm sure yours is, is to be megaphone of hope to a world that is so desperately in need. With your help, and your unique voice, we can most definitely make a difference!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Your site has been up for almost a week and I know I can't be the first one here (or to post)! Hope all is well!
As for hope, I have to think that when things are bad they can only get better, right?
when you least expect it
all the love you have given away
will return to you.
I know that sometimes you feel deprived
and sometimes you feel unappreciated
but trust me when I tell you that
maybe when you're feeling your worst --
someone will surprise you
and be there for you...
returning all the love and support
you have given plus much more.
It will return to you.
when you least expect it. By CLZ Dec 1991
I wrote this poem for a college friend. I have since shortened it and adopted it as my own way of giving hope to people.
"You shall be richly rewarded when you least expect it...
from someone you'd least expect it from..
in ways you'd never expect"
I absolutely LOVE to watch their eyes light up. (sometimes in utter curiosity as to what I mean by it) So it depends on the conversation or moment as to how people interpret my message. I love it when people return to me and tell me how my message helped them! Truly special... and hereby rewarding ME and replenishing MY hope!
One of my favorites that I cling to is a message I received in a handwritten letter from a friend in 1992. "GOD PROVIDES"
And if I've learned anything from 2010 and the beginning of 2011, I've learned that God knows EVERY PART OF MY HEART. Parts that I had so completely and purposely buried for 24 years, I had forgotten I had unfinished business. We don't always agree with God's plan, but if we trust HIM with our lives and hearts, we shall be richly rewarded when we least expect it!!!!
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